For as long as I can remember, I've been mesmerized by horses. It was never the thrill of riding fast or jumping high that drew me in, but the desire for a relationship with the horse. There is something about the horse that speaks to my soul. Something about their nature inspires me to be a better human; to show up every day a little more open, a little more authentic, a little bit more vulnerable. I believe our horses have much to teach us about ourselves, if we are so willing.
My background is diverse and very unique, with much of my experience coming from my time training draft horses for carriage work on downtown streets. I am an accomplished and well respected carriage driver, liberty trainer, and a dedicated student in the Academic Art of Riding. I believe my love for learning and my desire to always further my own education and development are among my greatest strengths.

Hi, I’m Christine Beattie! I'm an accomplished horsewoman and teamster with a unique background in commercial carriage work. With over 25 years of experience, I’ve earned a reputation for my grounded, thoughtful approach that emphasizes communication, connection, and confidence between horse and human. I empower self-directed horse owners to actively engage in their horse's training, guiding them to further develop their horsemanship skills and cultivate a meaningful partnership with their equine companions. I’m passionate about building trust through education and mindfulness, empowering both horses and humans to achieve greatness together.
​​A Thoughtful Approach to Horsemanship
As a certified Equine Sports Therapist, I prioritize correct biomechanics, long-term health and wellness, and species-appropriate training and management practices. My approach empowers students with a training process that is easy to understand and follow. I emphasize not just what to do, but why, helping students see how each lesson fits into the broader journey of partnership with their horses and fostering a deeper understanding of their equine companions.

​​Based near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I offer training programs, lessons, and clinics in driving, groundwork, and liberty training. I mentor students worldwide through online courses and virtual instruction, offering my expertise to those eager to learn, no matter where in the world you may be. My programs are designed to elevate horsemanship through inspired training and guidance, helping students build strong, confident partnerships with their horses.
Previously, I served as the Supervisor of Horse and Driver Development for one of North America's top commercial carriage operations. I’ve logged well over 10,000 hours driving carriages in urban and commercial settings and have a proven track record of training both horses and drivers to work safely and confidently on city streets. I proudly led the development of an industry-leading training program that ensured the thorough education of every horse and driver on the team, setting a standard for excellence in the field.

My diverse skills as a carriage driver and teamster span driving singles, pairs, and even some experience with multiple hitches. My expertise extends beyond commercial driving to include pleasure driving, reinsmanship, combined driving, farm work, log skidding, and more. I firmly believe that the best teachers remain students at heart, and am thus consistently seeking private mentorship and clinic opportunities to refine my skills and embrace new challenges with my horses.
Beyond the Barn: A Diverse Skill Set
Multi-talented and driven to excellence, I am also a classically trained freelance musician with a master’s degree in French Horn Performance. A passionate educator, I teach specialty horn classes to students in grades 5-12 in our local public and private schools, while regularly performing with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and other top-rated ensembles in the area.
In my free time, I’m an active member of Calgary's vibrant country and west coast swing social dance communities. Dance offers me a fulfilling sense of community, physical activity, and creative expression. My love for dance mirrors my passion for horsemanship, where principles like connection, feel, and non-verbal communication thrive. I enjoy training towards tangible goals and compete across North America on the swing and country circuits.

​​Meaningful Growth in Horsemanship and Beyond
I’ve been an active volunteer for over ten years with the Time to Heal Society. I’m an instructor for the organization’s personal- and professional-development courses, and a trusted leader and friend within the community.
I believe that horsemanship goes beyond training—it reflects who we are and how we show up in all aspects of life. Through horsemanship, I help my students tap into their best selves, developing their unique gifts and strengths.