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DRIVING 101: From Zero to Ground Driving


Build your horse's skills and develop your own horsemanship with a thoughtful approach to groundwork training.

Mastering your fundamentals on the ground is THE KEY to a successful driving partnership with your horse. Empower yourself to train with purpose, deepen your connection with your horse, and drive with confidence!

Discover how you can bring out the best in your horse... and in yourself!

DRIVING 101: From Zero to Ground Driving is an online, self-paced course geared towards horse owners and riders who want to start their horses into driving, and those who want to really bring out the best in their driving horse. The course will introduce you to the basics of driving, and walk you step-by-step through the exact program I use to develop exceptional, well-rounded driving horses.


Driving is a delightful way to spend time with your horse, share your horse time with friends and family, and enjoy the countryside in comfort. What's more, ground driving is excellent cross-training for horses and riders of any discipline. Driving training is a great way to improve your horse's response to your aids, the quality of their posture and movement, and their confidence and poise in any environment.



As a participant in DRIVING 101, you will...

Follow a clear, step-by-step training program to teach your horse EVERYTHING a driving horse needs to know, establishing a solid foundation that you can take in any direction.

Build connection, trust, and confidence – the essential elements to a fulfilling partnership with your horse.​

Develop your own self-awareness and horsemanship skills to become a highly effective trainer.

If your goal is to educate your horse into a safe, reliable driving horse, this program will give you all the knowledge, tools, and guidance to do exactly that. Even if you're not sure about actually driving, if you're looking for something new to do with your horse to build some new skills and enjoy your time together, you'll find yourself quite at home in this program.


DRIVING 101 guides you to master your groundwork fundamentals so you can enjoy ground driving your own horse, safely and confidently. 

I’m impressed with how much of an impact it has to go back to some basics and tune them up. This is important foundational skill building that is not hard to practice and has a big impact in everything I do with my horse.

A training program that meets you where you're at.

Course content is delivered in bite-size video lessons with actionable steps to practice at your own pace. Bigger concepts and discussions are presented in theory sessions, both live and pre-recorded, supplemented by downloadable PDFs.


We meet regularly on Zoom for live classes, group coaching calls, and interactive Q&A sessions, and have access to the replays of all previous webinars in the course portal.


In addition, all course members are added to our exclusive MEMBERS-ONLY Facebook group, where you can ask questions, connect with other participants, and share photos and videos of your progress.


And, because I believe it's important to move at the right pace for our horse, without imposing unnecessary human timelines on our training, all members get LIFETIME ACCESS to the full course, including all future calls and updates. C'mon, does it get any better than that?!


This program offers so many new ideas and perspectives. I have integrated Christine’s descriptions into my daily lessons with my mare. Christine’s tone of voice and the words she uses convey such a sense of calm and confidence. Her approach is centered on the horse's well-being and the safety and the ability of the horse owner to confidently and competently teach their equine, and themselves to drive. I am so glad I joined this course.



Since you're an empowered equestrian who is sensible enough to carefully vet any program before diving in head first, of course you've got questions. And I've got answers. I'm here to help you make an informed decision. Click here​ for answers to some of the most FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about DRIVING 101.





There are so many programs and trainers out there to choose from, and I know it can feel a little daunting to trust your and your horse's education to a stranger on the internet! That's why I am pleased to back my program with a 365-day SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.


I am committed to making this program everything you want and need it to be. But if you go through the trainings, put in the effort, and it still doesn't meet your expectations, just send me an email. If I can't make it right for  you, I'll refund 100% of your tuition.


Click here for details.

© 2024 Christine Beattie

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