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I ride but I've never driven before. Is this program suitable for all levels?YES! You're my people – I designed this program exactly for you. While it may be presented externally as training your horse, let's get real... we're training YOU just as much as you're training your horse. As it should be! The activities and exercises that I take you through as you make your way through the modules are structured to develop your own skills just as much as your horse's. The first three modules focus on developing your feel, aids, timing, and awareness first in the leading and lunging positions, striving to set a very high bar of quality and consistency. In modules 4 and 5, we then bring everything we've been practicing into the ground driving position, where we can then start developing your actual driving skills. Here I also include specific exercises for you to practice without the horse to further elevate the your aptitude as a driver. Even if you never get fully into driving in a serious way, the horsemanship skills you develop through DRIVING 101 are guaranteed to make you a better equestrian and a more refined horse(wo)man in every arena.
I have a very young horse. Is it too soon to get started?It is not too soon! If your horse is old enough to learn to lead, then you can get started with Module 1 today. Obviously, with a very young horse you are going to spend more time in the earlier lessons than you might with an older equine, but since the course offers lifetime access, WHY WAIT?! The thoughtful approach to nailing your groundwork that I teach in DRIVING 101 will guide you to empower your youngster with a solid foundation of life skills that will help them to become an upstanding citizen in the world and serve as a solid framework to build upon, moving forward in any discipline. You may have heard before about the potential risk of doing a lot of lunging (circle work) with an immature horse. Did you know that there is far more to lunge work than endless 20m circles?? In fact, though I do a lot of work on the lunge with my horses, I spend precious little of that time on a repetitive circle. In modules 2 and 3 I will show you how to get massive value out of the lunge work WITHOUT stressing your horse's body or boring both of you to tears on a never-ending circle!
My horse and I already have some driving experience, but I know we have more to learn. Will there be value for us here?Absolutely. Let's take what you're already doing, and make it even better. Raise that quality bar even higher. My own experience has taught me time and again that nearly every problem can be resolved by returning to the most fundamental basics and digging deeper into the details. After a particularly disastrous performance in a driving clinic, I resolved to put my gelding (and myself) in Standing Bootcamp (covered in detail in Module 1). We literally practiced nothing but standing quietly for four months. We then attended a groundwork clinic in which we were working on our side movements – haunches in, shoulder in, pirouettes – and despite having not practiced them once in over four months, I was shocked and delighted to find that we were suddenly executing these movements to a much higher level than we ever had before. So much so that my colleagues were praising my hard work and eagerly asking what I had been doing to create such a dramatic improvement... To which my only answer was "literally nothing!" I challenge you to make it your personal mission to take the ceiling off of your basics. Rather than checking a box and moving on, approach the most fundamental exercises with curiosity: How good can it get? How beautiful can the movement be? How subtle can I make my aids? How could we execute this even better? There is magic in the details, my friend. Never underestimate the magic...
I don't own any driving equipment. What do I need? Shouldn't I find a harness first?No need to put the cart before the horse! You don't need a harness or other specific driving equipment until you're ready to actually have your horse pull things. But for all of our preparatory groundwork, including ground driving itself, there is actually very little equipment required. Below is an exact list of the tack and tools you'll need for each module of the course. Don't fret about anything unfamiliar on this list – I've gotcha! At the beginning of each module, there is an introduction to any new tools we're adding, including suggestions of where to find them. We'll also be discussing our choice of tools and how to use them most effectively during some of our live calls. MODULE 1: Establishing Fundamentals Halter & lead rope Dressage whip or stick of similar length MODULE 2: Fundamentals on the Lunge Cavesson Long rein or light lunge line Dressage whip or stick MODULE 3: Building Confidence; Refining our Skills Same as Module 2, plus: Full-length lunge line (20-30' long) with lightweight clip Driving whip MODULE 4: Moving into the Driving Position Same as module 3, plus: Driving lines (long lines) OPTIONAL: Harness, surcingle, or even riding saddle to guide the lines MODULE 5: Ground Driving Like a Pro! Same as above ​
Can I really learn horse training skills online? How does this compare to working with a trainer in person?It's such a privilege, with the power of the internet, to be able to work with and learn from the coaches and mentors who resonate with us the most, regardless of physical location. But I get it – there's also something comforting about that coach in the middle of your arena that doesn't quite feel the same though a screen. In DRIVING 101, I take a 4-pillared approach to teaching, guiding, and supporting you on your horsemanship journey: ​ 1. VIDEO LESSONS In the 10-15 minute instructional videos, I give you the how-to and explain the specific details of this particular step, while demonstrating with a horse who knows the drill. This allows you to see what you are striving towards and understand the premise of the activity. 2. THEORY CLASSES The theory classes, both pre-recorded and in the live calls, serve to deepen your understanding of the big picture. This is where we dig into the broader topics and help you to see how all the pieces fit together. 3. COMMUNITY SUPPORT It's easy to lose momentum when you're working all alone and feel like you're in a vacuum. That's why DRIVING 101 includes a vital community component. The Facebook group gives you a place to share your wins and your challenges, 24/7, with others who are working their way through the same process. The live calls provide a platform for real-time connection, including both group discussions and hot seat coaching sessions. 4. ONE-ON-ONE COACHING Choose the VIP package to add twelve one-on-one coaching calls (via Zoom) to the first year of your course experience. Online lessons offer the same individualized support and guidance as working with a coach in person, without the logistical challenge and cost of bringing me out to your farm! These lessons can be either LIVE, using Zoom on your smartphone and a wireless headset so I can see and talk to you as you work your horse in real time, or alternatively can use pre-recorded video that we watch and discuss over Zoom together. Whether you choose the basic package or the VIP, additional private lessons can be added at anytime.
What if I find the course isn't what I'm looking for or I don't get the results I want?There are so many programs and trainers out there to choose from, and I know it can feel a little daunting to trust your and your horse's education to a stranger on the internet! That's why I am pleased to back my program with a 365-day SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. ​ I am committed to making this program everything you want and need it to be. But if you go through the trainings, put in the effort, and it still doesn't meet your expectations, just send me an email. If I can't make it right for you, I'll refund 100% of your tuition. ​ Click here for details.

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